C# Mouse Wheel Click Kullanımı - Genel Bakış

İçeriğimizin başlığından dolayı C# Mouse eventlarını kullanacağımızı sanmış olanlar kabil. Mirtan söylemekte fayda var ki, bu makalede Win32 API’lerinden faydalanarak işlemletim sisteminin nimetlerini kullanacak, faremize fiziki müdahalede bulunacağız.

This event occurs when an object is dragged while the mouse pointer is within the control's bounds. The handler for this event receives an argument of type DragEventArgs.

Örnek olarak eklemiş evetğumuz bir Button üzerine fare ile geldiğimizde rengini değmaslahattirip,tekrar fare ile Button‘ u terkettiğimizde kırık dökük rengine gelmesini sağlamlayabiliriz.

The first one shows how to customize the tab item visual tree so that nested controls scroll 64 pixels per notch in both directions.

It shows a list of available wheels with their name and resolution and a visual representation of attached properties of MouseWheel. 

To prevent the default vertical scrolling action, the event handler sets the Handled parameter to true.

MWLib brings another field of application we call “Adaptation” in which the wheel kişi act upon any range-like control. The ‘After’ demo application gives an example of adaptation on a Slider.

Henüz sonra açıklayan olaylara munzam olarak, denetimle ListView doğrulamayı değerlendirmek istiyorsanız ilginizi çekebilecek ve AfterLabelEdit olayları da vardırBeforeLabelEdit.

All the above mouse wheel event handlers only use wheel delta sign for resolving scroll or zoom direction: resolution is derece computed. As a consequence when an enhanced wheel enters high resolution mode, wheel motion cannot be adapted.

The DoDragDrop method determines the control under the current cursor location. It then checks to see if the control is a valid drop target.

Auto: in this mode, the library uses some heuristics (CreateEnhancedAutoBehavior) to decide which one of the logical or C# Mouse Right Click Kullanımı physical modes should be applied.

This event is sent when the mouse wheel moves. The mouse wheel event is sent to the visual element under the mouse when the mouse scroll wheel value changes.

The current target of the event. The current target is the element in the propagation path for which event handlers are currently being executed.

I'll leave it to the author or someone else to properly investigate and come up with a proper solution.

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